Auto Injuries

With more vehicles on the road than ever before, automobile accidents have unfortunately become a common occurrence. Even the most confident and experienced driver can make mistakes that sometimes have catastrophic results. Estimates suggest that there are around 2.35 million auto injuries in the United States every year – more than 6,000 every single day – and while some injuries may be minor, others can have debilitating and sometimes permanent consequences.

​​​​​​​How Chiropractic Care Treats Auto-Injuries

​​​​​​​How Can Chiropractic Care Help Treat Auto-Injuries?

Chiropractic care focuses on rebalancing the musculoskeletal system and realigning the spine so that the body can heal itself. In doing so, a chiropractic adjustment can have a number of beneficial effects. These include:


Whiplash is most common in rear-end collisions as the impact of the secondary car forces your head to ‘whip’ backward and forwards in quick succession and as a result, the muscles in the neck are overextended.

Reducing Inflammation

Inflammation is a common side effect of any type of injury and is essentially your immune system rushing to help the damaged area. While some inflammation is an indicator of the body’s natural healing process, too much or chronic inflammation can cause serious pain, autoimmune illnesses, and hypersensitivity.

Less Pain

Pain is a natural occurrence after any type of injury. However, studies have shown that chiropractic care after an accident can help release more pain-reducing hormones, which many people prefer rather than a reliance on prescription pain relief.

Less Scar Tissue

Scar tissue can form inside the body as well as out, and this thickening of the tissue can cause muscles to feel stiff and uncomfortable. In some cases, the patient may experience a limited range of movement that restricts their day-to-day activities. Chiropractic manipulations can reduce the amount of scar tissue that forms.

Improved Mobility

Neck and back injuries almost always have an effect on the patient’s mobility. However, chiropractic adjustments will mobilize your spine and encourage the healing process to begin. As a result, your mobility should begin to return much sooner.

An automobile accident doesn’t have to mean permanent injury or disability. Give us a call today to help reduce your pain and restore your ability to live your life to the fullest once again.